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====== Ad Hoc Reading ======
The 'ad hoc' reading starts from 16th November, 2013, following a change in the format of the reading session. Topics here are rather broad, including Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, poems, etc. Constrained by the 30 minutes time, this session is not as profound as its counterpart, while more interesting discussion and fresh flavours are constantly brought in by the wisdom of our participants.

This page tries to record each session, including the text, summaries and related materials if possible.

<note>This page is still under construction </note>

===== Topics =====
《莊子·秋水篇》之莊子與惠子三則 / <Zhuang Zi/The Article of Qiu Shui>, 16/11/2013

<楞严经 > / <Leng YanJing>  Guan Bihan, gbh1219@gmail.com 23/11/2013
《莊子·齊物論》<Zhuang Zi/The Article of Qiwu Lun>, Jenny Zhao, jz292@cam.ac.uk 30/11/2013

07/12/2013 读的什么?

滕王阁序  Qu Yu, yq229@cam.ac.uk 14/12/2013

中庸  Lu Meng (ml600@cam.ac.uk) 11/01/2014

<孙子兵法/《始计篇》 [www.gushiwen.org]> / <The Art of War/Sun Zi Bing
Fa> 16/01/2014 Zhenyu Fu, Zf299@cam.ac.uk