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====== General tips for organising a ERG session ======
//ERG: English Reading Group//
===== The Big Picture.. =====

* We want to organise ERG in series, ideally one series lasts for a term so we can produce a term card before term starts. For example, we will focus on pre-Qin period for the Easter term of 2013. The pre-Qin period is an excited age in Chinese history, numerous different/competing schools of thoughts emerged and got strengthened.

===== ..and the Format.. =====

* The ERG session usually lasts for 1hr, and consists of two half-hour slots. Each slot will be lead by one chair, and with different focus. During the first half-hour slot, we will read history; while for the second half-hour slot, we will read about literature.
* We divide the pre-Qin period into 4 finer historical periods: 神话时代,夏商,西周,东周. We plan to cover these 4 periods with 4 reading sessions sequentially. During each session, we will pick a representative historical story, and a book/poem from the ongoing period, e.g., 神话时代.

===== ..Content Suggestions =====

* History: this can be any representative stories, examples include 成语故事,千字文,三十六计, etc.
* Literature: can be general introduction to a book or a poem. can also be a tutorial-style.