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Tea yoga session in Music Room, Downing College, 19th May 2015. Attendents are doing Yoga postures following Yiru. 大家在跟随一如做瑜伽体势!Thanks for the excellent photographing by Ganchi Zhang (张甘池)!

Tea yoga session in Music Room, Downing College, 19th May 2015. Yiru is leading people doing the yoga postures.一如在带领大家做瑜伽体势。Thanks for the excellent photographing by Ganchi Zhang (张甘池)!

Tea yoga session in Music Room, Downing College, 19th May 2015. Attendents are listening carefully to Yiru about what is Tea yoga.参与者在认真的听一如讲解茶熏瑜伽的内涵。Thanks for the excellent photographing by Ganchi Zhang (张甘池)!

Tea yoga session in Bone room, Department of Archaeology, 29 March 2015. Yiru is demonstrate the sitting posture and breathing meditation. 8-) Note there are many interesting individuals around us, and many of them are thousands of years old! (this is the most famous “Bone Room” of Great Britain, and there are lots of animal bones excavated from archaeological sites in Cambridgeshire LOL 注意这里是英国最著名的动物考古实验室,围绕着我们的有很多从几千年前的考古遗址中发掘出的动物骨骼^_^)

Tea yoga session in Bone room, Department of Archaeology, 29 March 2015. Janine is practicing lower abdomen breathing in the sitting posture during breathing meditation. Thanks for the excellent photographing by Ganchi Zhang (张甘池)!

Tea yoga session in Bone room, Department of Archaeology, 29 March 2015. Dylan is puting the tea leaves into the tea bowl very mindfully. Photoed by Ganchi Zhang (张甘池).

Tea yoga session in Bone room, Department of Archaeology, 29 March 2015. Yiru is introducing the Oolong tea for the tea steaming, which include the beautiful Milk Oolong, Kings Oolong, and Se Chung Oolong on that day! Each tea has a slightly different fragrance and function to the body. ^_^ Photoed by Ganchi Zhang (张甘池).

Tea yoga session in Bone room, Department of Archaeology, 29 March 2015. Zhihao is connecting himself with the tea through a deep mindful smelling!^_^ Photoed by Ganchi Zhang (张甘池).

Tea yoga session in Bone room, Department of Archaeology, 29 March 2015. Yiru is demonstrate how to use a towl to cover herself in order to maintain the Qi of Tea steam!^_< Photoed by Ganchi Zhang (张甘池).

Tea yoga session in Music Room Downing College, 23 Nov 2014. 2014年11月23日在唐宁学院的茶熏瑜伽活动,由一如主持。Photoed by Ganchi Zhang (张甘池).

Tea yoga session in Music Room Downing College, 23 Nov 2014. 2014年11月23日在唐宁学院的茶熏瑜伽活动,由一如主持。Photoed by Ganchi Zhang (张甘池).

Tea yoga session in Music Room Downing College, 23 Nov 2014. 2014年11月23日在唐宁学院的茶熏瑜伽活动,由一如主持。Photoed by Ganchi Zhang (张甘池).

Tea yoga session in Needham Research Institute, 27 Oct 2013, hosted by Yiru. Thanks for Mingjie Xu who came early and helped receiving people and taking photos. 2013年10月27日在李约瑟研究所的茶熏瑜伽活动,由一如主持。感谢明杰提早过来接待大家并帮助烧水、拍照!=)

Tea yoga session in Needham Research Institute, 23 June 2013. Yiru is demonstrating tea facial steaming meditation and the recharge of the Qi. Thanks for Xiaoke who helped taking the photos. 2013年6月23日在李约瑟研究所的茶熏瑜伽活动。一如在演示茶熏得气。感谢晓科全程帮助照相、录像!:-)

Tea yoga session in Needham Research Institute, 23 June 2013. Yiru is demonstrating to rub the hands with the kindness and gentleness in heart. 2013年6月23日在李约瑟研究所的茶熏瑜伽活动。一如演示如何在茶熏之后带着温柔慈悲之心搓手。

Tea yoga session in Needham Research Institute, 23 June 2013. Yiru is demonstrating the whole body breathing after tea facial steaming. 2013年6月23日在李约瑟研究所的茶熏瑜伽活动。一如在演示茶熏得气后做全身呼吸。

Tea yoga session in Needham Research Institute, 23 June 2013. Yiru is demonstrating the supplement of Qi of fairy maiden. 2013年6月23日在李约瑟研究所的茶熏瑜伽活动。一如在演示仙女补气的动作。

Tea yoga session in Needham Research Institute, 23 June 2013. Yiru is instructing yoga practice after the tea facial steaming meditation. 2013年6月23日在李约瑟研究所的茶熏瑜伽活动。一如在指导大家做瑜伽动作。

Tea yoga session in Needham Research Institute, 23 June 2013. Yingbo Zhang is doing a yoga posture of 'dancing'.2013年6月23日在李约瑟研究所的茶熏瑜伽活动。颖博在做瑜伽的“舞蹈式”。

Tea Yoga session in Wolfson College, 4 April 2012,Hosted by Yiru. People are doing meditation with two hands folding in front of the chest. 20124年4月4日在沃夫森学院的茶熏瑜伽活动,一如主持。大家在做双手合十胸前冥想。

Tea Yoga session in Wolfson College, 4 April 2012. A picture of all the participants after the activity. Thanks for the organization by Qiaosheng Dong. 20124年4月4日在沃夫森学院的茶熏瑜伽活动。活动之后的集体照。感谢桥声同学的组织!